
Trigger warning: The material in this article could be very triggering for survivors of ritual abuse or mind control as it contains graphic descriptions of programming; it is best to check with your therapist before reading material such as this. 

There is no documentation that the CIA MK Ultra program was ever terminated.

The dark side of MK-ULTRA was inspired by the arrival of Nazi “mind scientists”, formerly charged with spreading world mental warfare.

Sexual abuse, trauma, electroshock therapy, hypnosis, LSD, sensory deprivation, and torture is the legacy of the MK-ULTRA project.

Project MONARCH is a government black program to create mind-controlled slave for use as spies, assassins, couriers, and prostitutes. Monarchs carry out their assignments and consequently have no memory of their actions.

# MKULTRA, a primer.

Sexual abuse, trauma, electroshock therapy, hypnosis, LSD, sensory deprivation, and torture is the legacy of the MK-ULTRA project.

I don’t always get the sense that everyone understands the depths of depravity it took to carry out the MKULTRA project in the name of your nation, using your stolen tax money from black budgets, or even gets that this ACTUALLY happened.
As many of you know, History is whitewashed to protect the narrative intended for the herd, regardless of how much documentation exists to back up certain events.  Eventually, over time, the goal is for the truth to be forgotten.
MKULTRA was a CIA job, like many crimes against humanity. It was brought here from Nazi Germany through Operation Paperclip, originally called “Mind Kontrolle Ultra Secret”.  They used universities and hospitals all over the Americas to torture subjects, mostly too young, insane
or considered drug addicts to be taken seriously to find out what benefits could be gained by controlling someone’s mind through traumatic (Satanic) abuse.  The previously mentioned is important because often these techniques go hand in hand with Ritual Satanic Abuse (RSA),which is the same type of traumatic torture carried out to glorify evil and potentially empower the torturer and/or handler through dark ritual.  The Angel of Death himself, Josef Mengele, is rumored to be the mysterious Dr. Green mentioned in MKULTRA files.Keep in mind, MKULTRA is a verified, factual program that was revealed decades ago to Congress.  The primary thrusts of these programs was to expose people to torture like electroshock therapy, traumatic visions while subjecting the subject to mind-altering drugs like LSD,performing different types of sexual abuse, and more in order to force the subject to fragment their own mind to deal with the trauma, the mind’s only defense mechanism in the face of extreme, soul-crushing torture.
Other offshoots of this research include remote controlling animals like dogs through tortorous implants, CIA agents studying drug-addicts having sex with prostitutes, and more.The end-goal was full understanding and control of the darkest part of the human psyche, and indeed the psyche of all living things, in order to completely enslave subjects.The idea of “multiple personalities” is a modern invention inserted into the collective consciousness through movies and television to legitimize it, when really it is a direct byproduct of MKULTRA/Project Monarch.
Dissociative identities do not occur naturally. This is NOT “schizophrenia”. As I said, they created a systematic process of using drugs, rape, and the most horrible forms of torture to shatter human consciousness into shreds of its former self that can then be controlled through triggers of pain, threat, or incentive. This is REAL and it’s a far worse crime against humanity than the A-Bomb. This is the purest form of evil.
I should add that inserting objects into the collective consciousness through movies and television is a common theme in Hollywood/the Media.  Make a movie called Social Network, and that’s what *really* happened in the Public’s eyes, regardless of the existence of LifeLog or the real story behind Facebook.  This has repeated over and over again.  Make a feature film about World War II, the Manhattan Project, the JFK assassination, the Civil War, anything they want to dictate the official narrative on, and it becomes immortalized dogma in modern society. 

Helpless children and adults have been permanently turned into tools of sex, violence, and manipulation, sometimes all at once by #MKULTRA, and there is evidence to suggest this program is alive and well,and the project was not stopped as was claimed, it has simply “evolved”, and moved underground.    Many believe the project is continued under the name Project Monarch.
The most common type of MK slave you can see in every day media are Beta Kittens programmed to be sex slaves, but there are other types of program that are equally disturbing and all are an affront to God.Pray for us all, once you go down this rabbit hole, for only God will someday deliver these victims from the evil they’ve endured.
There are numerous links I could post, but I’m a firm believer in the quest for knowledge and researching for yourself.

Pray for us all, once you go down this rabbit hole, for only God will someday deliver these victims from the evil they’ve endured.There is a wealth of information out there about MKULTRA, Project Monarch, and Operation Paperclip.Trust that you should look into this for yourself and you will find plenty to work with, and your anger toward the global crime syndicate we disaffectionately refer to as the Cabal will find new heights.

Mind control handlers are real. Trauma-based mind control is real. Complex PTSD is real. People are put in situations where they feel completely powerless/where they accept poor treatment. Trauma bonding/Stockholm syndrome are what happens when your mind can’t handle anything new😪

“The premise of trauma-based mind control (a version of which was known as the MK Ultra program) is to compartmentalize the brain, and then use techniques to access the different sections of the brain while the subject is hypnotized. Entire systems can be embedded into a person’s mind, each with its own theme, access codes and trigger words. Some of the most common and popular symbolisms and themes in use are Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan and The Wizard of Oz, mirrors, porcelain/harlequin masks, the phoenix/phoenix rising, rainbows, butterflies, owls, keys, carousels, puppets/marionettes and dolls,willow trees, tornadoes, spirals/helixes, castles, rings, hallways and doors, elevators and stairs.”

-Our usage is trying to follow the programmers usage of this word. A dissociated part of the mind which has a separate identity and is given cue codes by the mind-control programmers to trigger that dissociated part of the mind to come to the front of the mind. The alter’s identity may be a gem, rock, a tape recorder, a poodle, a white kitten, a dove, a horse, or even think of itself as a person or a demon. It all depends on its programming. An alter is different from an alter fragment in that the alter fragment is a dissociated part of the mind which serves only a single purpose. The programmers will give an alter a history, and insure that shadow alters will provide a full range of accessible emotions. Sometimes the distinctions between alters and alter fragments is vague, but examples from the two ends of the spectrum are easy to tell apart. We use the word alter in this book to conform to what the programmers’ charts are encoding as alters. A typical main Mengele-created grid would be a grid of 13×13 principal A-coded alters, which is 169 principle alter personalities. In Illuminati systems, ceremonial “alters will consist of 3 alters placed on a spinning pedestal together into triad goddesses or gods. That means that an A-coded alter on some levels is actually 3 alters spinning together, which must be locked in place to communicate with, and then rotated to communicate to the other two.








ALTER -A dissociated part of the mind which has a separate identity and is given cue codes by the mind-control programmers to trigger that dissociated part of the mind to come to the front of the mind.

Triggers are necessary for prompting the mind to cough up forgotten memories. They are to be embraced, not avoided. This is the secret to integration. So when I was recently triggered by my enemies’ threats, I used the feeling that trigger induced, to explore my past, make more connections, and further integrate.



–This is the second Greek letter, and it represents the sexual models and sexual alters that the Programmers are creating. The primitive part of the brain is involved in this type of programming. An early sexual abuse event will be used to anchor this programming. These sexual slaves will develop sexual abilities that are far beyond what the public is aware is even possible. They also receive the worst kind of abuse far beyond what most people’s imagination can picture. Beta alters generally see themselves as cats.


–This is a Greek letter shaped like a triangle which symbolizes change in calculus. It has become a favorite word to use in naming things for the occult elite. Delta teams are 4 person assassination teams which usually are secret teams. Delta Forces is an elite unit that operates under the Joint chiefs of staff that is made up of highly trained total mind-controlled slaves. Delta models are slaves whose sole purpose is assassination. Delta alters are alters within an Illuminati alter system which are programmed to be assassins. These alters are often some of the deepest in a system and in a Genie bottle or with Umbrella programming.

The reason why dissociation is important to mind control is because the human mind is more susceptible to hypnotic command in these trance states. Dissociation is also a survival skill of great value in response to trauma and abuse. Frequent traumas, which split the mind of a child before the age of six, will produce multiple personality states. This is also known as dissociative identity disorder. This is one reason why the programming must be done in early childhood and in some cases, infancy and in utero. It is known that trauma based personality splits remain isolated in the mind better than hypnotic based mind splits.

Once the victim is systematically traumatized through various methods, which may include ritual abuse, programming is anchored in to each individual trauma. These dissociated traumas are linked to hypnotic programming commands and scripts. Then the traumatic memories linked in with the programming are walled off with amnesia from the host personality. The traumatized “split” is also known as the newly created alter personality. Alter personalities are created according to the Programmers needs, while the host personality is unaware of the traumatic memories and alters who hold the memories. The alter personality can be called up to the front of the mind via codes or specific cues that the programmer knows, and be trained to do a variety of functions.

All programming is anchored upon some type of trauma. A variety of scripts may be used, along with specific training for individual alter personalities. This extends into the childhood and adulthood of the slave. The idea behind this is to create the perfect slave who can carry out a variety of functions while maintaining secrecy and obedience to the programmers. Such functions may include assassination, espionage, sexual servicing, couriers, “photographic “mind file data storage, and even psychic abilities. There are other important elements employed in Monarch mind control such as the overlaying of demonic entities through ritual, or the power of ancestral generational spirits, which may make the person very psychic. Many of the Monarch victims are chosen because they have a powerful level of generational spirits within their families, who may have practiced black magic for generations.

Nowadays, sophisticated scientific technology is also used, such as biochip implants, electroshock, drugs and brain wave entrainment systems to lock in hypno programming more effectively. Real physical trauma is sometimes substituted for virtual reality headgear, which simulate horrific traumas to quickly split the mind, priming it for programming. The important thing to remember is that the powerhouse behind this type of mind control system is demonic and technical. The key to freedom lies in deliverance and specific deprogramming therapy and support systems.

Monarch Programming

–This was a specific Project carried out by secret elements of the U.S. government and intelligence groups. There were, according to someone a few years ago who had access to the computer(s) which contains all the names of active monitored human slaves, 40,000 actively monitored Monarch slaves. However, this book uses the term generically to include all victims who have suffered this type of trauma-based mind-control. In the same way, that a brand name like “Hyster” is used to describe all lifts–when we use the term we use it in its broadest sense. This is the only way it can be used and technically correct, because as of this date, the authors have not seen who is on the active Monarch Program list of slaves.


Illuminati Rex

List of 149 MKULTRA Subprojects

Complete list of all 149 MKULTRA subprojects. Who, When, What, Where, Why, and How, and links to FOIA documents available for each subproject.
I’ve included the MORI ID to official documents obtained via the Freedom of Information Act. Readers are encouraged to verify given information for themselves.
MORI – Management of Officially Released Information is an electronic imaging system developed by the CIA.

MKULTRA Subproject 1:
Isolate and characterize the alkaloids of ipomoea sidalia choisy (Rivea Corymbosa)
MORI ID: 17354
Contractor: BLACKEDOUT
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: Princeton University
Years: 1953 ― 1954
CIA Monitor: Robert V. Lashbrook
MKULTRA Subproject 2: (See Subprojects 124 and 140)
Miscellaneous research and testing services in behavioral modification. 1. Study the possible synergistic action of drugs which may be appropriate for use in abolishing consciousness through animal experimentation. 2. Survey of methods to enable the administration of drugs to patients without their knowledge.
MORI ID: 17415
Contractor: James Hamilton
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Locations: Stanford University
Years: 1953 ― 1958
MKULTRA Subproject 3: (See Subprojects 16, 42, 132, and 149)
Realistic field testing of R&D items of interest to Technical Services Staff. This is the infamous safehouses known as Operation Midnight Climax.
MORI ID: 17426
Contractor: George White (alias Morgan Hall, “a seaman”)
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Locations: New York City and San Francisco
Years: 1953 ― 1956
CIA Monitors: Sidney Gottlieb, Robert V. Lashbrook, and BLACKEBLACKEDOUT
Mulholland’s Manual
(Read Now | Buy Now)MKULTRA Subproject 4:
Subprojects 4, 15, and 19 are to fund the contractor, a magician, to write a manual on the various aspects of the magicians’ art which could be useful in covert operations. The result was Mulholland’s Manual, declassified and published in 2009 as The Official CIA Manual of Trickery and Deception.
MORI ID: 17437
Contractor: John Mulholland
Contractor’s Clearance: ?
Years: 1953 ― 1954
CIA Monitors: Sidney Gottlieb, Robert V. Lashbrook, BLACKEBLACKEDOUT, and BLACKEBLACKEDOUT
MKULTRA Subproject 5:
Successful demonstration of “potentialities of hypnosis as a tool of the clandestine services”. Research in hypnosis was to determine if: hypnosis could be used as a memory enhancer, a learning aid, a polygraph deceiver, etc. Also,research into susceptibility of certain personality types to hypnosis.
MORI ID: 17448
Contractor: Alden Sears
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Locations: BLACKEBLACKEDOUT, University of Minnesota, University of Denver
Years: 1953 ― 1956
Cover/Cut-out: Geschickter Fund
MKULTRA Subproject 6:
Develop reliable source of LSD within the United States and assist in the search for additional natural hypnotic products. Previously supplier, Sandoz, based in Switzerland.
MORI ID: 17459
Contractor: Eli Lilly Company
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: Indianapolis, Indiana
Years: 1953 ― 1955
CIA Monitors: Sidney Gottlieb, BLACKEBLACKEDOUT, Robert V. Lashbrook
MKULTRA Subproject 7: (See Subprojects 27 and 40)
LSD basic research. The studies included the use of LSD in therapy. As far as is known, subjects in this experimentation were witting. Funds are included for the payment of subjects.
MORI ID: 17470
Contractor: Harold Abramson
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Years: 1952 ― 1956
CIA Monitors: Sidney Gottlieb and BLACKEBLACKEDOUT
Cover/Cut-out: Geschickter Foundation for Medical Research
MKULTRA Subproject 8: (See subprojects 10, 63 and 66)
Study of the biochemical, neurophysiological, sociological, and clinical psychiatric aspects of LSD, and also a study of LSD antagonists and drugs related to LSD, such as L.A.E. (Lysergic Acid Ethylamide). Testing upon human volunteers.
MORI ID: 17481
Contractor: Robert Hyde
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: Worcester Foundation for Biomedical Research, Massachusetts
Years: 1953 ― 1955
CIA Monitor: Robert V. Lashbrook
Cover/Cut-out: Geschickter Foundation for Medical Research
MKULTRA Subproject 9:
Study various depressant drugs which may more adequately control the maniacal psychotic patient, and test drugs that may help alcoholics and schizophrenics.
MORI ID: 17492
Contractor: Carl Pfeiffer
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: Emory University and University of Illinois
Years: 1954 ― 1955
CIA Monitors: Sidney Gottlieb and BLACKEBLACKEDOUT
Cover/Cut-out: Geschickter Fund
MKULTRA Subproject 10: (See 8, 63 and 66)
Study tested and evaluated the effect of LSD and alcohol when administered to individuals falling under various personality categories.
MORI ID: 17355
Contractor: Robert Hyde
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Years: 1952 ― 1957
CIA Monitors: Sidney Gottlieb, Robert V. Lashbrook, and Louis deFlorez
Cover/Cut-out: Geschickter Foundation for Medical Research
MKULTRA Subproject 11:
Developing and stockpiling toxins. Identify and produce in sufficient quantity for experimentation the active ingredients n certain seeds and plants. Preparation of a supply of the toxic protein, Abrin.
MORI ID: 17366
Contractor: ?
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Years: 1953 ― 1955
CIA Monitors: Sidney Gottlieb, Robert V. Lashbrook, and BLACKEBLACKEDOUT
MKULTRA Subproject 12:
Isolate and investigate the chemicals responsible for the biological activities of materia1spresent in the bark of Piscidia Erythrina.
MORI ID: 17377
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Years: 1953 ― 1954
CIA Monitors: Sidney Gottlieb and BLACKEBLACKEDOUT
MKULTRA Subproject 13: (See subproject 30)
Funding of Agency activity at Fort Detrick, Maryland. Petty cash fund for use where proper channels for a given activity will require an undesirable amount of written or oral justification. Expedient purchase of materials.
MORI ID: 17388
Contractor’s Clearance: ?
Location: BLACKEBLACKEDOUT and Fort Detrick
Years: 1953 ― 1955
CIA Monitors: Sidney Gottlieb, Robert V. Lashbrook, and BLACKEBLACKEDOUT
MKULTRA Subproject 14:
OPERATION BLACK Payment to the Federal Bureau of Narcotics for the services of George White. Harry Anslinger, Commissioner of Narcotics.
MORI ID: 17399
Contractors: George H. White, Bureau of Narcotics
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: New York City
Years: July to November 1953
CIA Monitor: Sidney Gottlieb
MKULTRA Subproject 15:
Subprojects 4, 15, and 19 are to fund the contractor, a magician, to write a manual on the various aspects of the magicians’ art which could be useful in covert operations. The result was Mulholland’s Manual, declassified and published in 2009 as The Official CIA Manual of Trickery and Deception.
MORI ID: 17410
Contractor: John Mulholland
Contractor’s Clearance: ?
Years: 1953 ― 1954
CIA Monitors: Sidney Gottlieb, Robert V. Lashbrook, BLACKEBLACKEDOUT, and BLACKEBLACKEDOUT
MKULTRA Subproject 16: (See 3, 42, and 149)
A continuation of Subproject No. 3 for realistic testing of R&D items of interest to Technical Services Staff.
MORI ID: 17411
Contractor: George White (alias Morgan Hall, “a seaman”)
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Locations: New York City
Years: 1953 ― 1954
CIA Monitors: Sidney Gottlieb, Robert V. Lashbrook, BLACKEBLACKEDOUT, and BLACKEBLACKEDOUT
MKULTRA Subproject 17:
Synthesis of LSD and related compounds by chemical means; and learning the metabolism, site of action, etc., of LSD and related compounds.
MORI ID: 17412
Contractor: Harold Hodge
Contractor’s Clearance: ?
Location: University of Denver and University of Minnesota.
Years: 1953 ― 1955
CIA Monitors: BLACKEBLACKEDOUT and Robert V. Lashbrook
Cover/Cut-out: Geschickter Fundation
MKULTRA Subproject 18:
Technical Services Division authorized to spend $400,000 for the purchase of LSD from Eli Lilly. ($400,000 obligated of which only $l,337.45 expended)
MORI ID: 17413
Contractor’s Clearance: ?
Location: Indianapolis, Indiana
Years: December 1953
CIA Monitor: Sidney Gottlieb
MKULTRA Subproject 19:
Subprojects 4, 15, and 19 are to fund the contractor, a magician, to write a manual on the various aspects of the magicians’ art which could be useful in covert operations. The result was Mulholland’s Manual, declassified and published in 2009 as The Official CIA Manual of Trickery and Deception.
MORI ID: 17414
Contractor: John Mulholland
Contractor’s Clearance: ?
Years: 1953 ― 1954
CIA Monitors: Sidney Gottlieb, Robert V. Lashbrook, and BLACKEBLACKEDOUT and BLACKEBLACKEDOUT
MKULTRA Subproject 20:
Prepare a supp1y of the dimannich derivative of Yohimbine hydrochloride for use in other approved projects.
MORI ID: 17416
Contractor: Pedlow Nease Chemical Company, Inc
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: Lock Haven, Pennsylvania
Years: 1953
CIA Monitors: Sidney Gottlieb and Robert V. Lashbrook
MKULTRA Subproject 21:
The original concept was to test the pharmacalogical activity of various materials (provided by Dr. Geschickter, acting as a cut-out)of interest to the Agency.
MORI ID: 17417
Contractor: ?
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: ?
Years: 1953
CIA Monitor: Sidney Gottlieb, Robert V. Lashbrook, and BLACKEBLACKEDOUT
MKULTRA Subproject 22:
Isolate compounds from natural products which have psychogenic properties. Initially research was done en seeds from the plant Ipomoea sidaefolia Choisy, a Mexican and Cuban trailing vine. Rivea Corymbosa and, the fungus Amanita Muscaria, a mushroom.
MORI ID: 17418
Contractor: William Boyd Cook
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: Montana State College
Years: 1954 ― 1963
CIA Monitor: Sidney Gottlieb, Robert V. Lashbrook, and BLACKEBLACKEDOUT
Cover/Cut-out: Geschickter Fund
MKULTRA Subproject 23: (See 45)
Synthesize new drugs and modify old ones to determine their effectiveness in modifying behavior and the function of the central nervous system.
MORI ID: 17419
Contractor: Charles Geschickter
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: University of Richmond
Years: 1954
CIA Monitor: Sidney Gottlieb, Robert V. Lashbrook, and BLACKEBLACKEDOUT
Cover/Cut-out: Geschickter Foundation
MKULTRA Subproject 24:
Fund meetings at sterile locations for brain-stroming sessions by MKULTRA contractors.
MORI ID: 17420
Years: 1954
MKULTRA Subproject 25:
To determine the applicability of hypnosis techniques for Agency operational usage.
MORI ID: 17421
Contractor: Alden Sears
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: University of Minnesota
Years: 1954 ― 1955
Cover/Cut-out: Geschickter Foundation
MKULTRA Subproject 26: (see 9)
Sub-Project No. 26 is a follow-on from No. 9. Human testing on volunteers of drugs which may aid in the treatment of the schizophrenic patient by either altering his metabolism or producing sedation.
MORI ID: 17422
Contractor: Carl Pfeiffer
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: University of Illinois
Years: 1955 ― 1955
CIA Monitor: Sidney Gottlieb and BLACKEBLACKEDOUT
Cover/Cut-out: Geschickter Foundation
MKULTRA Subproject 27: (See Subprojects 7, 33, and 40)
LSD basic research. The studies included the use of LSD in therapy. As far as is known, subjects in this experimentation were witting. Funds are included for the payment of subjects.
MORI ID: 17423
Contractor: Harold Abramson
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Years: 1952 ― 1956
CIA Monitors: Sidney Gottlieb and BLACKEBLACKEDOUT
Cover/Cut-out: Geschickter Foundation for Medical Research
MKULTRA Subproject 28:
Study in animals and man drugs, essentially depressents, which affect the central
nervous system.
MORI ID: 17424
Contractor: Carl Pfeiffer
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: Emory University
Years: 1954 ― 1955
CIA Monitor: Sidney Gottlieb and BLACKEBLACKEDOUT
Cover/Cut-out: Geschickter Foundation
MKULTRA Subproject 29:
To fund work on hypnosis. The scope was increased to acquiring extensive psychological profiles of all subjects in an effort to develop significant keys to hypnotic susceptibility which may be adaptable to field use.
MORI ID: 17425
Contractor: Alden Sears
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: University of Denver
Years: 1954 ― 1955
Cover/Cut-out: Geschickter Foundation
MKULTRA Subproject 30: (See 13)
To add money to a petty cash fund to support an Agency activity at Fort Detrick.
MORI ID: 17427
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: Ft. Detrick, Maryland
Years: 1958 ― 1960
CIA Monitor: Sidney Gottlieb, BLACKEBLACKEDOUT, Robert V. Lashbrook, and BLACKEBLACKEDOUT
MKULTRA Subproject 31: (See 4 and 20)
To supply TSD/CB (Technical Service Division/Chemical Branch) 2 kilograms of a rare organic chemical that is not commercially available.
MORI ID: 17428
Contractor: Pedlow Nease Chemical Company, Inc
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: Lock Haven, Pennsylvania
Years: 1954
CIA Monitors: Sidney Gottlieb, Robert V. Lashbrook, BLACKEBLACKEDOUT, and BLACKEBLACKEDOUT
MKULTRA Subproject 32: (See 12)
To study medicinally active plants which have ingredients of interest to the Agency. This is a continuation of Sub-Project No. 12.
MORI ID: 17429
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Years: 1954 ― 1955
CIA Monitor: Sidney Gottlieb and BLACKEBLACKEDOUT
MKULTRA Subproject 33: (See 27)
Provide funds to correct an error amounting to $400 which arose in calculating the service project on Project 27.
MORI ID: 17430
Contractor: Harold Abramson
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Years: 1954
Cover/Cut-out: Geschickter Foundation
MKULTRA Subproject 34: (See 4, 15, and 19)
The application of the magicians’ art to covert activities.
MORI ID: 17431
Contractor: John Mulholland
Contractor’s Clearance: ?
Years: 1955 ― 1958
CIA Monitor: Sidney Gottlieb, Robert V. Lashbrook, BLACKEBLACKEDOUT, and BLACKEBLACKEDOUT
MKULTRA Subproject 35:
To further Technical Services Division’s chemical and biological requirements, a single, non-recurring grant ($375,000)was made to Georgetown Hospital for a new Research Wing (the Gorman building). The arrangement would permit Agency-sponsored research projects, using Agency personnel, to be carried out in the new wing without being aware of CIA interest.
MORI ID: 17432
Contractor: Charles Geschickter
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: Georgetown Hospital
Years: 1955
CIA Monitor: Sidney Gottlieb and BLACKEBLACKEDOUT
Cover/Cut-out: Geschickter Fund
MKULTRA Subproject 36:
To provide funds for a symposium on behavior modification, where MKULTRA principals may exchange ideas in their particular fields.
MORI ID: 17433
Location: ?
Years: 1954 ― 1955
CIA Monitors: Sidney Gottlieb, Robert V. Lashbrook, and BLACKEBLACKEDOUT
MKULTRA Subproject 37:
To produce, grow, test and evaluate certain botanicals of interest to CIA.
MORI ID: 17434
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Years: 1954
CIA Monitors: Sidney Gottlieb, Ray Treichler, and and BLACKEBLACKEDOUT
Cover/Cut-out: Geschickter Foundation
MKULTRA Subproject 38:
To investigate the psychological effects of the drugs chlorpromazine, meratron, serpentine, and bulbocapnine upon human beings.
MORI ID: 17435
Contractor’s Clearance: ?
Years: 1954 ― 1955
MKULTRA Subproject 39:
To exploit the research potential represented by a group of 142 criminal-sexual psychopaths confined at the Ionic State Hospital. The Agency believed that patients had the same kind of motivation for withholding certain information that is comparable to operational interrogation situations in the field.
MORI ID: 17436
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: Ionic State Hospital for the Criminally Insane, Michigan
Years: 1954 ― 1959
CIA Monitor: Sidney Gottlieb, Robert V. Lashbrook, BLACKEBLACKEDOUT, and BLACKEBLACKEDOUT
Cover/Cut-out: Society for Investigation of Human Ecology
MKULTRA Subproject 40: (See Subprojects 7 and 27)
LSD basic research. The studies included the use of LSD in therapy. As far as is known, subjects in this experimentation were witting. Funds are included for the payment of subjects.
MORI ID: 17438
Contractor: Harold Abramson
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Years: 1952 ― 1956
CIA Monitors: Sidney Gottlieb and BLACKEBLACKEDOUT
Cover/Cut-out: Geschickter Foundation for Medical Research
MKULTRA Subproject 41: (See 20 and 31)
To fund the synthesis of rare organic chemicals that were not commercially available. (Encloxy-3-Methyl-Hexahydrophthalic Anhydride and N,N-Dimethyl-p-phenylenediamine)
MORI ID: 17439
Contractor: Pedlow Nease Chemical Company, Inc
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: Lock Haven, Pennsylvania
Years: 1955
CIA Monitors: BLACKEBLACKEDOUT and Robert Lashbrook
MKULTRA Subproject 42:
Support and realistically field test certain R&D items of interest to Technical Services Division and to maintain physical facilities required for these trials – also for the covert administration of physiologically active materials to unwitting subjects. The files indicate that Sub-Project No. 42 is a continuation of No. 16, with Morgan Hall’s facilities moved from New York City to San Francisco.
MORI ID: 17440 (BlackVault)
Contractor: Morgan Hall (alias for George H. White, Bureau of Narcotics)
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: San Francisco
Years: 1955 ― 1964
MKULTRA Subproject 43:
Study to perform research in the field of psychology of the dissociated states and of hypnosis.
MORI ID: 17441
Contractor: Louis J. West
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: University of Oklahoma
Years: 1955 ― 1956
CIA Monitors: BLACKEBLACKEDOUT, Robert Lashbrook, James H. Drum, and Sidney Gottlieb
Cover/Cut-out: Geschickter Foundation
MKULTRA Subproject 44:
The objective of this research was to develop screening and bio-assay techniques for psychotomimetic (capable of producing a psychotic-like state) agents which do not involve human testing. The work was not classified.
MORI ID: 17442
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: University of Illinois, College of Medicine, Chicago
Years: 1956 ― 1958
Cover/Cut-out: Geschickter Foundation
MKULTRA Subproject 45:
This project involved the search for, and preliminary testing of, materials (not mentioned) which might alter consciousness and have other physiologic effects (alteration of blood pressure, cardiovascular responses, body temperature or anti-cancer properties).
MORI ID: 17443
Contractor: Charles Geschickter
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: University of Richmond
Years: 1955 ― 1963
CIA Monitors: Sidney Gottlieb, Robert Lashbrook, BLACKEBLACKEDOUT, and BLACKEBLACKEDOUT
Cover/Cut-out: Geschickter Foundation
MKULTRA Subproject 46:
Research into the mechanics and effects of LSD: (l) Develop a specific antidote; (2) a sensitive method for assaying it in urine and in blood; (3) a screening system for psychochemicals; (4) determine the relationship between chemical structures and biological activity in this type material; (5) study the structural relationship between LSD-25 and other similar materials now available. Sponsors: Eli Lilly Company and Public Health Service.
MORI ID: 17444
Contractor: Harold Hodge
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Years: 1955 ― 1963
Cover/Cut-out: Geschickter Foundation
MKULTRA Subproject 47:
Study drugs affecting the central nervous system, looking towards an anti-interrogation drug. Also, to screen and evaluate hallucinogenic materials of interest to Technical Services Division. Testing on human volunteers at Atlanta Federal Penitentiary.
MORI ID: 17445
Contractor: Carl Pfeiffer
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: Emory University, New Jersey Neuropsychiatric Institute, Atlanta Federal Penitentiary
Years: 1955 ― 1962
CIA Monitors: Ray Treichler, Sidney Gottlieb, Robert Lashbrook, and BLACKEBLACKEDOUT
Cover/Cut-out: Geschickter Foundation
MKULTRA Subproject 48:
(1) Chinese Project which uses BLACKEBLACKEDOUT volunteer students in motivational research studies with the objective of determining the best way to recruit and motivate neutral agents.
(2) Psychological study of defectors
(3) Studied Communist indoctrination techniques and stress psychology in general.
*This project also created the Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology as a cut-out mechanism.
MORI ID: 17446
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: Cornell University Medical School
Years: 1955
CIA Monitor: Sidney Gottlieb
MKULTRA Subproject 49: (See 5, 25 and 29)
Research into the nature of hypnosis and possible operational uses including the use of hypnosis as a learning aid; use in interrogation and counter-interrogation. Uses and limitations of hypnosis.
MORI ID: 17447
Contractor: Aldan Sears
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: Psychology Department at the University of Denver, Colorado
Years: 1956
CIA Monitors: Or. Sidney Gottlieb and Willis A. Gibbons
Cover/Cut-out: Geschickter Foundation
MKULTRA Subproject 50: (See 30 and 13)
To supplement a petty cash at Ft. Detrick. (cancelled by Technical Services Division who did not want the accountings to go outside MKULTRA procedures)
MORI ID: 17449
Location: Fort Detrick, Maryland
Years: 1955
CIA Monitors: Sidney Gottlieb, Willis A. Gibbons, and C.V.S. Roosevelt
MKULTRA Subproject 51:
Isolate, characterize and identify naturally occurring compounds with psychogenic properties. Much of this work was done with mushrooms.
MORI ID: 17450
Contractor: James Monroe
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: University of Delaware
Years: 1955 ― 1962
CIA Monitors: Sidney Gottlieb, BLACKEBLACKEDOUT, Ray Treichler, and BLACKEBLACKEDOUT
MKULTRA Subproject 52:
Provided consulting services on procurement and preparation of chemicals for Technical Services Division. Procured botanical specimens, primarily
mushrooms, on field trips.
MORI ID: 17451
Contractor: James Monroe
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: University of Delaware
Years: 1958
CIA Monitors: Ray Treichler and BLACKEBLACKEDOUT
Cover/Cut-out: Geschickter Fund
MKULTRA Subproject 53:
Review overt Russian and American pharmacological literature with respect to the problems of Technical Services Division.
MORI ID: 17452
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Years: 1955 ― 1956
CIA Monitors: Sidney Gottlieb, Robert Lashbrook, BLACKEBLACKEDOUT, and Dr. Raymond Treichler
MKULTRA Subproject 54:
To study the mechanism of brain concussion.
MORI ID: 17453
Contractor: BLACKEBLACKEDOUT, Office of Naval Research
Contractor’s Clearance: Cleared (unspecified level)
Location: ?
Years: 1955
CIA Monitors: BLACKEBLACKEDOUT and Sidney Gottlieb
Cover/Cut-out: Geschickter Fund
MKULTRA Subproject 55:
Discover the pharmacological effects of certain groups of compounds prepared by and associates of the Department of Pathology. Animal tests were conducted.
MORI ID: 17454
Contractor: BLACKEBLACKEDOUT Professor of Pharmacology,
Contractor’s Clearance: Unwitting
Location: ?
Years: 1956
CIA Monitor: Sidney Gottlieb, Robert Lashbrook, and BLACKEBLACKEDOUT
Cover/Cut-out: Geschickter Fund
MKULTRA Subproject 56:
Alcohol Research – Determining effectiveness of food in delaying alcohol absorption; effectiveness of sympathominetic drugs in delaying absorption; develop a test of alcohol tolerance.
MORI ID: 17455
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: Stanford University or Medicine
Years: 1956 ― 1960
CIA Monitors: Robert Lashbrook, Sidney Gottlieb, and BLACKEBLACKEDOUT
Cover/Cut-out: Geschickter Fund
MKULTRA Subproject 57:
Perform research on sleep and on insomnia – with emphasis on narcosis induced sleep.
MORI ID: 17456
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: George Washington University
Years: 1956 ― 1957
CIA Monitors: Robert Lashbrook, BLACKEBLACKEDOUT, and Sidney Gottlieb
Cover/Cut-out: Society for Investigation of Human Ecology
MKULTRA Subproject 58:
Finance an expedition,headed by Gordon Wasson for the purpose of studying and collecting hallucinogenic species of mushrooms of interest to TSS/CD. Sponsor J . P. Morgan & Co. of New York unwitting of Agency sponsorship.
MORI ID: 17457
Contractor: Gordon Wasson
Contractor’s Clearance: Unwitting
Location: South America
Years: 1956
CIA Monitor: Robert Lashbrook
Cover/Cut-out: Geschickter Fund
MKULTRA Subproject 59:
Pharmacological testing and evaluation of certain checmical compounds that might have properties of interest to Technical Services Division.
MORI ID: 17458
Contractor’s Clearance: Unwitting
Location: University of Maryland
Years: 1956 ― 1957
CIA Monitor: Robert Lashbrook
Cover/Cut-out: Geschickter Fund
MKULTRA Subproject 60:
This project established a covert funding mechanism, the Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology, Inc., (SIHE), for the support of sociological and psychological studies. Prior to SIHE, this activity was part of the Human Ecology Study Program of Cornell University, which sponsored, with Agency financial assistance, studies primarily at Cornell.
Many projects of little or no direct value to CIA were funded, primarily to develop the cover of SIHE as a legitimate Foundation.
MORI ID: 17460 (BlackVault)
Location: Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology, Inc., New York City.
Years: 1956 ― 1962
CIA Monitors: Sidney Gottlieb and BLACKEBLACKEDOUT
Cover/Cut-out: Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology
MKULTRA Subproject 61:
Study the role of the human brain in overall adaptive behavior. Specifically, the relationship of changes in behavior due to stress to changes in behavior brought about by loss of cerebral tissues.
MORI ID: 17461
Contractor: Harold Wolff, Cornell University Medical School
Contractor’s Clearance: ?
Location: Ithaca, New York
Years: 1956 ― 1960
Cover/Cut-out: Medical Sciences Research Foundation and Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology
MKULTRA Subproject 62:
Finance studies on the effect of physical and chemical agents on the central nervous system of anthropoids (man-like animals) at National Institute of Health and unspecified involvement with “an LSD Project”.
MORI ID: 17462 (BlackVault)
Contractor: Maitland Balwin, National Institute of Health
Contractor’s Clearance: ?
Location: Bethesda, Maryland
Years: 1956 ― 1963
CIA Monitors: Robert V. Lashbrook, Ray Treichler, BLACKEBLACKEDOUT, and BLACKEBLACKEDOUT
MKULTRA Subproject 63: (See 8, 10 and 66)
The purpose of this project is to maintain the professional services of Robert Hyde to the technical Services Division. Field work observation in taverns and private parties relating to psychopharmaceuticals and alcohol.
MORI ID: 17463
Contractor: Robert Hyde
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Years: 1956 ― 1961
Cover/Cut-out: Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology
MKULTRA Subproject 64:
To compensate Dr. Geschickter for personal services rendered but not charged against the funding mechanism account. These services were said to include consultations in personnel and facilities for research programs, covert procurement of drugs and other material, time spent on cover activities with the fund, and personal time spent in covert testing of materials and gadgetry not connected with Geschickter’s Fund projects.
MORI ID: 17464
Contractor: Charles F. Geschickter, M.D.
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: Washington, D.C.
Years: 1955 ― 1956
CIA Monitor: Robert V. Lashbrook
MKULTRA Subproject 65:
study on Hungarian defectors of factors which influence human behavior that could be used for achieving intelligence objectives. There were three efforts : (1) To better understand factors which cause an individual to defect, commit treason or change loyalties; (2) To develop skills by which potential defectors can be detected; and (3) To develop methods for increasing the chances of defection of various target individuals.
MORI ID: 17465
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: Cornell University
Years: 1957 ― 1958
Cover/Cut-out: Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology
MKULTRA Subproject 66: (See 8, 10 and 63)
test a number of techniques for predicting a given individual’s reactions to LSD-25, other psychochemicals and alcohol.
MORI ID: 17466
Contractor: Robert Hyde
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: Butler Hospital and Health Center
Years: 1956 ― 1960
CIA Monitors: Sidney Gottlieb, BLACKEBLACKEDOUT
Cover/Cut-out: Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology
MKULTRA Subproject 67:
Library searches, consultation assessment and evaluation of data submitted by Technical Services Division. Translation and transcription services.
MORI ID: 17467
Contractor: BLACKEBLACKEDOUT, Institute 0f Sex Research
Contractor’s Clearance: ?
Location: University of Indiana
Years: 1957
CIA Monitors: Sidney Gottlieb and BLACKEBLACKEDOUT
Cover/Cut-out: Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology
MKULTRA Subproject 68:
To study the effect upon human behavior of the repetition of verbal signals. Patients were treated with LSD-25 and other similar agents to break down patterns of behavior. The plan included intensive repetition of prearranged verbal signals. Patient were kept in sensory isolation then continuous sleep for seven to ten days. Dr. Cameron completed over 100 cases.
MORI ID: 17468
Contractor: Ewen Cameron
Contractor’s Clearance: Unwitting
Location: Allan Memorial Institute of Psychiatry at McGill University, Montreal, Canada
Years: 1957 ― 1959 (?)
Cover/Cut-out: Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology
MKULTRA Subproject 69:
To interview Hungarian refugees regarding Sociology of the Communist system in the throes of revolution
MORI ID: 17469
Contractor: Ray Stephenson and Jay Schulman
Contractor’s Clearance: ?
Location: Rutgers University
Years: 1957
CIA Monitors: BLACKEBLACKEDOUT, and Robert V. Lashbrook
Cover/Cut-out: Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology
MKULTRA Subproject 70: (See 57, 71, 72)
Develop a temporary incapacitatant drug (“Knockout drug”) and to define mechanisms involved in producing involuntary sleep and related unconscious states. Testing was conducted en animals.
MORI ID: 17471
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: Stanford University
Years: 1957 ― 1961
CIA Monitors: BLACKEBLACKEDOUT, and Ray Treichler
Cover/Cut-out: Medical Science Research Foundation
MKULTRA Subproject 71: (See 70,72)
The purpose of this project was to continue the utilization of Dr. Dr. Wallace Chan who during this period was located at the department of Medicine, Neurology Division, Stanford University School of Medicine. He did clinical testing and evaluation of anti-interrogation drugs, monitored other projects being performed at Stanford, attempted to develop miniatured polygraph, reviewed literature, attended and reported on meetings, and acted as a consultant.
MORI ID: 17472
Contractor: Dr. Wallace Chan
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: Stanford University
Years: 1957 ― 1961
CIA Monitors: BLACKEBLACKEDOUT, and Sidney Gottlieb
MKULTRA Subproject 72: (See 70,71)
Perform research on the neurophysiological and pharmacological effects of central nervous system antagonists and synergists at Stanford University School of Medicine.
MORI ID: 17473
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: Stanford University
Years: 1956 ― 1957
CIA Monitors: BLACKEBLACKEDOUT, and Sidney Gottlieb
Cover/Cut-out: Medical Science Research Foundation
MKULTRA Subproject 73:
Establish whether susceptibility to hypnosis can be increased by use of drugs, such as alcohol, mescaline, scopolamine, LSD, etc. Also, to determine the extent to which various drugs possess specific “hypnosis-like” effects.
MORI ID: 17474
Contractor: Harris Isbell
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: University of Kentucky, Lexington Kentucky Narcotics Farms
Years: 1957
CIA Monitors: BLACKEBLACKEDOUT, and Sidney Gottlieb
Cover/Cut-out: Medical Science Research Foundation
MKULTRA Subproject 74:
As the Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology (SIHE) became better known in the scientific community and its reputation grew, the CIA decided that in order for to maintain its bona fides with the scientific community, the Society should fund selected smaller research proposals as a “cover”, even though there was little, if any, interest in or prospects for a product of value to CIA from these proposals. Consisted of many (in excess of 25) grantees, both individuals and institutions, in various parts of the United States and the world.
MORI ID: 17475
Contractor: Carl Rogers
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: University of Wisconsin
Years: 1958 ― 1962
Cover/Cut-out: Society for Investigation of Human Ecology
MKULTRA Subproject 75:
Studies of the effects of psychotomimetic substances utilizing psychological and physiological observations. Funds were also expended under this sub-project to assist in the publication costs of the proceedings of the symposium on “Specific and Non-specific Factors in Psychopharmacology” of the third World Congress of Psychiatry, Montreal.
MORI ID: 17476
Contractor’s Clearance: Unwitting
Years: 1960 ― 1961
Cover/Cut-out: Geschickter Foundation
MKULTRA Subproject 76:
To perform a one-year study on anti-authoritarian behavior as an extension of earlier Technical Services Division work on Communist prison methods as they affect U.S. Prisoners of War.
MORI ID: 17477
Contractor’s Clearance: Unwitting
Years: 1958 ― 1959
Cover/Cut-out: Society for Investigation of Human Ecology
MKULTRA Subproject 77:
Explored the basic elements of two personality theories of David Saunders and attempt to integrate them.
MORI ID: 17478
Contractor: David Saunders, Educational Testing Services
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: Educational Testing Service, Princeton, Mew Jersey
Years: 1957 ― 1962
Cover/Cut-out: Society for Investigation of Human Ecology, Human Ecology Fund
⛔ Subproject 78: To provide complete micro-biological support ranging from research establishing production capabilities to meet Technical Services Division special requirements. Provides cover and acts as a cut-out for special
MORI ID: 17479 This is a huge 999-page document. Both Archive’s and Black Vault’s copy show “image not available”
Contractor: Bacterial and Pharmaceutical Consultants, Inc.
Contractor’s Clearance: ?
Years: 1957 ― 1964
MKULTRA Subproject 79:
The H. J. Rand Foundation of Cleveland, Ohio agreed to act in the capacity of a “cut-out” for the purpose of funding organizations engaged in very sensitive research.
MORI ID: 17480
Contractor: H.J. Rand Foundation
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: Cleveland, Ohio
Years: 1957 ― 1962
CIA Monitor: BLACKEBLACKEDOUT and Willis Gibbons
MKULTRA Subproject 80:
To provide services of a very sensitive nature to conduct extraction and identification techniques of drugs, toxins and biological entities from human tissues.
MORI ID: 17482
Contractor’s Clearance: ?
Location: ?
Years: 1958 ― 1962
CIA Monitors: BLACKEBLACKEDOUT, and Ray Treichler
Cover/Cut-out: Geschickter Fund
MKULTRA Subproject 81:
Study of the adjustment of Hungarian refugees including tne psychological testing and examining of some refugees.
MORI ID: 17483
Contractor’s Clearance: Unwitting
Location: Cornell
Years: 1958
Cover/Cut-out: Society for Investigation of Human Ecology
MKULTRA Subproject 82:
Problems of adaptation to life in Netherlands of Hungarian refugees of the 1956 uprising.
MORI ID: 17484
Contractor: H.A.M. Struik
Contractor’s Clearance: Unwitting
Location: University of Nijmegen, Netherlands
Years: 1958 ― 1960
Cover/Cut-out: Human Ecology Fund
MKULTRA Subproject 83:
To support an editorial and technical survey of graphology, ESP, subliminal perception, hypnosis, truth serums, expressive movements and magic. Graphology Journal and Cover
MORI ID: 17485
Contractor: Employee of Society for Investigation of Human Ecology
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: ?
Years: 1958 ― 1960
Cover/Cut-out: Society for Investigation of Human Ecology
MKULTRA Subproject 84:
Study of the induction of high motivation in individuals by means of specific interpersonal relationships. Further to establish the limits of usefulness of hypnosis. Ultimate aim was improvement of agent assessment techniques.
MORI ID: 17486
Contractor: Marton Orne
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: Harvard University
Years: 1960
Cover/Cut-out: Society for Investigation of Human Ecology
MKULTRA Subproject 85:
Establishing and substantiating “true identity” of individuals, either staff or agent, through the medium of blood groupings.
MORI ID: 17487
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: Stanford University School of Medicine
Years: 1958 ― 1959
Cover/Cut-out: Medical Science Research Foundation
MKULTRA Subproject 86:
design and build miniature polygraph machines and to study the feasibility of developing a polygraph for use on unwitting subjects.
MORI ID: 17488
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: Stanford University
Years: 1958 ― 1959
CIA Monitor: BLACKEBLACKEDOUT and Willis A. Gibbons
Cover/Cut-out: Medical Science Research Foundation
MKULTRA Subproject 87:
Further research on harassment techniques. This project was to investigate HyperAllergic (allergy-inducing) substances and to provide Technical Services Division with small quantities cf these substances. It was to support Technical Services Division’s “requirement to establish an offensive chemical toxicants capability.”
MORI ID: 17489
Contractor’s Clearance: ?
Location: John Hopkins University
Years: 1956 ― 1966
Cover/Cut-out: Medical Service Research Foundation, Geschickter Fund
MKULTRA Subproject 88:
To develop a training package which would assist case officer to understand his and other cultures in order to enhance his agent-handling capabilities. – Cultural Appraisal
MORI ID: 17490
Contractor’s Clearance: Unwitting

Published by Go ask Alice

fell down the rabbit hole and bump my head

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